CPGC Board Members 

and Committees

2025 Board Members:


Mitzie Long 

Vice President

Michael Hassemer


Marian Owen


CPGC committees plan and execute specific activities of the club; members can meet each other and support the greater Central Peninsula gardening community. Contact any CPGC board member shown above to learn more about committee volunteer opportunities. The following drop-down menus describe the roles and responsibilities of our various committees. 

Current committee roles and responsibilities include: 

All Committees

​A Board Member is the Committee Chair for each appointed committee and may have oversight of sub-committees. The Committee Chair may appoint a secretary, recruit other committee members, and meet as needed.  If used, the committee secretary will create and keep contact information for committee members and the notes of committee meetings.  The Committee Chair or his/her proxy will present a committee report at the monthly CPGC Board Meetings (as needed), scheduled for 1 p.m. on the 3rd Saturday of each month, September through April.  Committee participation is for one year, meeting as needed.  Committee Chairs will maintain detailed records of any expenditure of funds allocated by the Board to each committee and will present those reports to the Treasurer for Board approval for reimbursement and/or payment.  All expenditures must be approved by the Board. 


Plans and decides monthly programs September through April and makes them happen, subject to CPGC Board approval.  When booking out-of-town speakers, they evaluate expenses such as speaker fees (generally none) and travel & lodging costs, possibly coordinating with other organizations to share expenses and hosting duties.  The committee will communicate with the Member Communication Committee, Treasurer for gift cards, and the Hospitality Committee. 


Sets up the club's visual and audio systems for monthly programs and special events. They also oversee the CPGC newsletter, website maintenance, club publicity, various media outlets distribution, and the CPGC Facebook group.

Garden Tours

Solicits and plans Garden Tour destinations, usually with a 20-25 person limit per tour. The committee chair or their designee will assess each potential tour site for areas of interest, parking capacity, and safety. They are responsible for writing tour site descriptions and directions to each site. The Summer Tours committee creates and maintains tour participant sign-up lists (tours are open to dues-current members only), and confirms participation.  This committee will coordinate with the Member Communication Committee for public announcements of upcoming tours. Committee members need to keep their eyes and ears open for interesting tour places all year. 

Special Events

Manages CPGC participation in the Spring round table "Get Ready for Spring!" event, and may include the Home Show and the Harvest Moon Festival. The Special Events Committee makes venue reservations (coordinating with the CPGC Treasurer), and sets up and takes down after events.  For the “Get Ready for Spring!” event, the Special Events Committee arranges table staffing and publicity (Publicity Committee).  For the Home Show, it decorates the Home Show booth, arranges for sales items in that booth (generally plants), provides a free item drawing (generally a free 1-year Club membership), sets up the monitor for a photo slide show (Member Communication Committee, Historian), provides for a Home Show free seminar (optional), and schedules booth staffing.  For the Harvest Moon Festival, it sets up and maintains a booth with volunteer staffing overseeing the dispersion of membership information, merchandise for sale, and display of some locally grown produce and flowers for decoration. This committee coordinates with the Member Communication and Workshop Weekends Committees.  It may also solicit additional volunteers to help. 


Opens the meeting facility and sets up the room for monthly programs.  This includes checking the seating arrangements and the dispersion and collection of name tags.  They purchase food and beverage supplies or solicit donations.  Committee members are present at each meeting for membership sign-up and collection of dues, oversight of door prizes, and access to the Historical Volumes. The committee resets the room to what it was initially after each meeting.  


Invites and presents mini-grant requests to the CPGC board with recommendations for approval/denial.  Tracks all grant funding and reports to the CPGC Board about grant implementation.  Reports or coordinates reporting by grant recipients about their progress in meeting their mini-grant goals to club members (at club programs, in the newsletter, etc.).  Facilitates CPGC board review for future CPGC funding.  This committee will coordinate with the CPGC Treasurer, Programs, and Member Communication Committee


The Nominations Committee will solicit nominations, vet potential CPGC board members, review candidate’s applications, and submit a recommended slate to the CPGC Board for election at the Annual Membership Meeting in January. The number of nominations is generally the same as the vacancies that need to be filled. 

Fund Raising 

Maintains over site of the Plant Sale reporting monthly to the CPGC Board. Researches and presents ideas for fundraising to the CPGC Board for consideration. Members of the committee include the Chairmen of the Plant Sale and other members as deemed necessary.